
SaaS interview dress code

SaaS interview dress code


What is the correct job SaaS interview dress code for Senior SaaS Executives in 2020?

This is a common question we are asked by a high percentage of individuals to help prepare for interview.  With the COVID-19 crisis, video interviews will become the norm over the coming months, but how should one dress?  

Twenty years ago, the answer was always to wear your best suit, shiny shoes and for men, always, always wear a tie (and definitely not one with a Mickey Mouse cartoon printed on it!)

I have recently heard a few horror stories where Execs have turned-up in very smart, business attire, but felt totally out of place when met by Interviewers wearing polo shirts, jeans and sports shoes!  

Indeed, when walking into some of the start-up SaaS companies these days, it can feel more like a student union club than how an Enterprise Software company felt 10 or 20 years ago!



SaaS interview dress code


We would love to ask for your feedback what you feel is right, but our advice would be the following:


1 – Ask the recruiter.  He / she should have met with the interviewers and seen how they dress so can offer guidance

2 – Check out the company videos, company linkedin feed and photos to see how their team dresses 

3. We believe the safest best is to wear smart business casual and definitely  do not wear a tie!  

4 – There is also a cultural issue to consider.  Individual European countries and the USA may have different dress fashions. One may dress differently in Italy compared to San Francisco for example!

5 – Consider business dress differences between Corporate firms versus start ups.  

6 – Start ups are perhaps a lot more casual when it comes to dress codes than some of the larger, older, mega software vendors.

7 – Competition for jobs will be even more competitive with the COVID-19 crisis.  Look your best even if you are on a video call from home, look modern and sharp!


Please add your comments or feedback  and feel free to contact me here for any questions around Executive Search in the B2B SaaS industry.



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